Monday, May 5, 2008

D is for Do-List

So I was kind of inspired by my husband's blog to come up with a do-list. Some goals, if you will. 

1. Stop worrying about what other people think of me. Who cares anyway?

2. Quit obsessing over my body. 

3. Keep up with politics and current events

4. Read the bible more

5. Start trusting God more

6. Do a better job of keeping in touch with my friends

7. Let the people who mean the most to me know how much they mean to me.

8. Quit living in fear

9. Go to Greece. I want to go to Santorini Island sooo bad. One day I will. I may be old and retired, but I will go.

10. Go to Africa and serve people in need. 

11. Continually be thankful for what I have been blessed with.

12. Eat more veggies

13. Be a good wife and mother

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