Friday, December 10, 2010

Leyton year 2 video compilation

Leyton turns 2 this weekend. I am in denial. I have to say I have done a bad job of video documentation this year. Since our newer camera doesn't have video, I don't pull the old one out as much. On the upside, at least I didn't have as much to sort through and cut out. It was so shocking though to see how wobbly and little he was in the earlier parts. I can't believe he has grown so much so fast. Enjoy.


Melita said...

I loved that, Nan! He is SO darling; can't believe he's 2 already! Hope y'all have a wonderful, Merry Christmas. I know he's going to LOVE Christmas this year!

Melissa said...

Love, love, LOVE this. He is adorable Nan. I just want to kiss those sweet cheeks! You are so blessed. :)

Noelanne said...

My heart is so full of joy, tenderness, and in a way sadness because I can't be there with you everyday to be there and hold Leyton as I wish I could. I love ya'll so much and thank you thank you for this blog so that if I can't be there in person I can see him grow through your eyes. I love you all so very very much!!! Vince has had to be a kleenex to me for 30 minutes. I have found Haynes t-shirts to be extra absorbant for tears and such, plus his arms to hold me close and comfort me. I love you so much. Your Momma who loves you so very very much!!!!!

meghazlip said...

so precious...

Kristen said...

So precious!! Can't believe that he's 2 already- how did this happen?!?!

Can't wait to party with you all today :-)