Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our weekend in pictures

Here is our weekend in pictures. Leyton had a nice visit from his Poppa & Nonna, and he is still asking for them. I can honestly say there was not a dull moment, but of course there never really is when L is in the equation.

We went to the zoo:

Hung around the house:

Went to see the "airmanes"

And lastly, visited the pumpkin patch:


Anonymous said...

Nan, your photos are really, really great.


Kristen said...

Love the picture with the airplane reflection and of course all of the sweet moments of L and his Poppa. So glad that we got to see you Monday, even if it was for a short time.

Jenna said...

Those are such special pics I love them all! Its so special to have family memories!