Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today we found the mother. The mother of all places in Orlando to go airplane spotting. And when you have a toddler who has a slight obsession with airplanes, this is gold. I did some research and found a public park near the airport, so we decided to give it a shot.

After playing awhile, we discovered a trail:

which led to this:

which led to this:

There wasn't a soul around, so we had a private front row seat. Literally. We couln't have been more than half a mile from the runway. And one by one, they came in for a landing. All I heard was "Airmane! Oh! Airmane." It was a great day.


Kristen said...

So sweet! I am so happy that you all found a place to take him- nothing better than seeing his excitement I am sure!

btw- Jamie wants to know what the park is and I forgot to tell you that Mom said "Mr. Ed" would be happy to take us all to the airport fire station (where he works). I think that it is right on the runway... just need to get our schedules together and pick a time if you are interested.

Nan said...

Kristen, it is Airport Lakes Park. I can't remember the name of the road it is off of, but it is right near 528.

That sounds awesome! Leyton would be so giddy. We need to chat soon anyway, so maybe we can figure a good time .

Mom said...

What a beautiful park. Your pictures of the airplanes are wonderful. Looks like Leyton had a great time!