Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12 months in 5 minutes...

At least sometimes it feels that way. Here is a video montage of some sweet moments from Leyton's first year of life. Yes, there were a few kleenex used in the production of this video.

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart."
Mandy Harrison


Noelanne said...

what a beautiful montage of this gift of a boy. Thank you so much for sharing this, so much happens in one year. I love him, I love you, and I love Jeremy. Ya'll are the best things that could happen to this sweet precious little boy. I love ya'll so very much and I can't wait to be with ya'll again at this time of year with Vince by my side. Yo Momma what loves you so very very much!!!!

Anzie Lou said...

Yep..i just cried at work watching this. I love all 3 of you very much! And cant wait till I can see yall again! Next thing you know Leyton will be girl chasing! I hope I can see yall before then! I LOVE YOU!!

Mom said...

That was so much fun watching Leyton grow from newborn to 1 year old! Priceless video!!!

FLBelle said...

Yep. It goes by WAY too fast. I remember visiting you when you brought him home from the hospital. Wow. And you, my dear, have such a gift - with words, putting this video together, being so creative, and being so committed to keeping up with your blog. You, Jeremy, and Leyton will all enjoy looking back at it years from now. :)

Unknown said...

so I am just a little behind with the blog reading, but no fear: Trey and I both just watched the whole video. Yes, I cried. they grow up so fast!! We can't wait to see ya'll again. He is so precious and we love all three of the knights! Happy Birthday, again, to little man!!