Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas pics

I have so many posts that I am overdue with. Life has been so busy lately. Good, but busy. I will fast forward to our latest Christmas pics. I was determined to get a 'perfect picture' of the two kids for Christmas cards. I should know that is impossible with a 5 month old and an (almost) 4 year old who has no interest in cooperating unless he is bribed with candy. I wanted to do them outside, but the weather has been so gloomy lately and I just didn't have the time or energy to deal with hauling somewhere. So I taped (yes, taped) some Christmas lights to the wall and threw a white blanket over the air mattress. Leyton pouted in most all the pictures until we started talking about potty humor. Boys. Anyhow, I think they turned out pretty neat. 

The ones at the bottom are from the day we decorated the tree. Sweet pea had just woken up from a nap in time to join in on the festivities. I love our little family.  

Sweet baby angel. I could kiss those cheeks 24/7

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