Monday, December 31, 2012

6 Months Old

Elise turned 6 months old almost 2 weeks ago. While we did not forget, I have just been too busy to update the blog. She continues to change and charm us daily. Here is what she has been up to this month:

• Sitting up on her own (for a few seconds anyway until she gets distracted).

• Sleeping through the night! With the exception of the past few nights she has been sleeping for about 12 hours straight.

• Chowing down. She has really taken to the baby food. There isn't really a vegetable or fruit that she hasn't liked yet. Obviously.

• Excersaucing. She is obsessed with her excersaucer. She bounces up and down in that thing nonstop. Whenever she is being held in our laps, she bounces up and down to mimick the movement.

• Playing with her toys and anything she can get her hands on. She has just recently taken an interest in toys and loves to use her hands to figure things out.

• Loving on her big brother. He can bring a giggle out of her like no one else can and she watches him like a hawk. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

What a sweet, precious little thing she is! They grow all too quickly that's for sure! Oh and I have yet to post Charlie's twelve month update and it's been a month and a half... you are a super star for having it up within the month in my opinion. Love you guys!