Saturday, November 27, 2010

A visit from Gran

My mom came in for a visit earlier this week, or "Gan" as Leyton calls her. We had a grand ol' time and Leyton gave away plenty of his good hugs. We exhausted ourselves playing, went to our favorite airplane spot, and Gran even bought him what every little boy needs: a red firetruck.


Noelanne said...

It was such a pleasure being with all of ya'll!!! You and Jeremy are so much fun to be around, put Leyton in there and nuthin but smiles all around the house. I love you all sweetheart so very very much!!!! Yo Momma What Loves You!!! Looking forward to seeing you in December!!! Vince's tail is wagging as well!!!!

Kristen said...

aww- so much fun! Your Mama looks great :-) Wish she was coming back in December so I could see her too...