Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Words, Words, Words

I have such a smart little boy on my hands. It is so weird that he can now communicate so well and we can just about have a conversation. Yesterday, we were going to play outside and he wanted to bring his elephant lovey (which he would tote everywhere if we let him. He still doesn't understand why "ellie" can go in the bathtub). I told him "The elephant can't go outside, but if you bring it to daddy he will take care of it while we play outside." So he runs into the other room where Jeremy was and hands him his elephant. I was shocked that a. he did it without fussing and b. that he understood me so clearly. He just isn't a baby anymore. sigh.

Here are some of his most recent words:

Dirty ("duddy")
Silly ("siddy")
Car ("cah")
Sky ("die")Everytime we go outside he points up and says "die!" He hasn't mastered the "sk" sound yet.
Yes Sir! ("sess suh!")
Green ("neen")
Blue ("boo")
Bobby - He randomly started saying this. He named one of his construction worker figurines "Bobby." Whenever we ask where Bobby is, he runs and gets him. Borderline creepy.
Honey ("hun-ay")
Melon (for Watermelon) ("menon")
Side (for outside) ("side")
On - He says this when he wants us to turn on one of his toys.
Door ("do-uh")
Shoes ("soos-y") He likes to put a "y" on the end of some words.
Booty ("bood-day")
Please ("pees")
Thank You ("tank tu")
Why? - He doesn't know what this means yet, but he must have picked it up from one of us.
Love you ("Wuv oh") :)
Cookie ("dookie") Don't even think about saying this word in his presence if you don't have one to give him.
Night Night ("nigh nigh")
Bird ("burd-y") He will drop what he is doing outside and point to a bird in the sky and yell "burdy!"
Pretty ("petty")
Bite ("by") He is such a mooch with our food. And he is really serious about his "by!" when there is dark chocolate, popsicle, or ice cream involved.
Whoa - he says this when he falls or runs into something.

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