Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The countdown is on...

A week from today I will be returning to work, thus joining the "working moms"club. I'm sure there will be much less blogging time, although I will probably find a way. I am actually not dreading this transition too much even though I know I will probably be a wreck the first day, or week (month, maybe). I always thought in a perfect world I would be a stay at home mom, but I honestly don't know if I could do it. I guess that goes to show how much I enjoy my job...and we are lucky b/c our schedules are flexible enough that he will only be with a sitter 2 days a week. In honor of my maternity leave, I thought I would give ode to things I will miss/ not miss about maternity leave

Things I will Miss:

1. Not missing anything: I am still in awe of how much Leyton changes everyday. I can't believe he is the same baby we brought home 2.5 months ago. I feel like something new happens everyday and I am right there to see it all. I hate to think of all the moments I will miss now.

2. Bumming it- I believe this is the longest streak I have gone without fixing my hair, putting on makeup, or caring about what I wear. I still managed to religiously shower every day- though right after drying my hair it goes back up in a careless bun and the sweats and oversized T go back on. Here is a snippet from a convo Jeremy and I had last week when he was home for lunch:
J- "don't you want to go take a shower?"
N- "I already did."
J- (looking confused) "Oh"

3. My morning nap: After a long night of a total of maybe 5 hours  of sleep (not consecutive). Leyton comes in the living room for his morning snack (he refuses to stay in the bedroom past 6:00 am). After that, he usually passes out in his swing for 2-3 hours. (See video below). Thats when I crash on the couch. I don't know how I will function without it. 

4. The Ellen Degeneres Show: I'm serious. She is a riot. The only daytime tv show worth seeing. I may dvr it upon my return to work.

5. Blog Stalking: If you have a blog, I have probably seen it.

Things I will not miss

1. Cabin Fever: I am actually looking forward to re-joining society. Since my child acts like we are trying to poison him when he is put in the carseat or stroller, outings have been few and far between. I have never been one to sit at home all day, so getting out everyday will be refreshing. (Thank you, Jeremy for being super-dad and watching him on Saturdays while I go grocery shopping and etc...truly feels like I am busting out of jail)

2. Daytime tv: I was so disappointed in daytime tv...it's horrible, with the exception of my girl, Ellen. Even my favorite soap, Days of Our Lives has turned to garbage. I love how all of the commercials are geared toward old people and stay at home moms. I can now successfully do The Potty Dance

And I can't end the post without this video. Here is the reason why I can't get aggravated that L won't sleep well at night, but crashes in his swing every morning. This is how sweet he is when he wakes up. (taken from the past 2 mornings)

A baby in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.
Martin Fraquhar Tupper

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