I figured I better update before she is no longer 10 months old! It has been a month of movin' & groovin' and chatting up a storm. Elise is officially now all over the house and loving it (she started crawling at 9 months). She is pulling up as well, but hasn't really started cruising.
She waves and says "bye, bye"
She says "uh-oh" when she drops something (usually on purpose)
In general, she doesn't stop babbling
She can give kisses, but she is pretty picky about giving them away.
She follows her brother around the house and thinks everything he does is hysterical.
She fights her afternoon nap with a vengeance, but sleeps around 12 hours at night so no complaining here.
She is still eating purees for the most part. I cannot get her interested in table food- she gags as soon as it hits her mouth. But she eats yogurt melts and puffs with no problem.
She is so happy all of the time and remains to be a very easy going, cuddle baby.
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