Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Creepin' Scooterbug

It is time to baby proof in the Knight household! Over the past few days, L has started lurching himself forward using his forearms and knees. Today he was in a full force creepcrawl. He has already covered the living room, tried to crawl through the bottom of our coffee table, made it into the kitchen, and bonked his sweet little head on some furniture. Here is a little snapshot into his newfound moves.

Side note: Leyton slept for 10 straight, solid, glorious hours Sunday night. This is a big deal.

"Let him sleep for when he wakes he will move mountains!!"
Author: Unknown

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he keeps getting cuter. does he ask for me by name yet? he has the army crawl down. Soon he will be running.

i miss the knights.