My sweet boy, one day you will be too big, too cool to play cars and trains with me. One day you will not want to be seen hugging me or kissing me goodbye as you go to school.

One day, you will stop asking me every five seconds "what's this?"
"what's that?" "whatchu doooin?" "Come on, let's run mommy"
One day, you will have friends of your own, that will be much cooler
than me, much faster than me.
So forget the dirty dishes, the unfolded clothes, and the disastrous living room.
Because I know my days as your number one sidekick are numbered.

Let's sit here and play. Because you will be a big kid someday...soon.
Okay...I'm crying!!!
So very, very true my dear wise friend... why do they have to grow so quickly? It is bitter sweet...
What a sweet post! It makes be miss baby days with my grown ups....
But guess what! Adult children are a blast as well!
You are such an awesome Momma!!! I love you and am so very proud of you!!! Have a great day!!! Your Momma
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